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Sept. 8, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass. – September 8, 2015  -- 6 PM

The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss and T.A. Nina Nazarian. Jon Fudeman was absent.

Selectmen voted all in favor to appoint John Wilson as ADA Coordinator, for a term to concur with his term as building inspector. They voted all in favor to appoint Sue Shanahan as SCM Elderbus representative, for a term to concur with her term as Council on Aging director and they voted all in favor to appoint Susan Hatch as election officer for a term to July 27, 2016.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to allow use of Mechanics Hall on 9/26 for the Town Wide Yard Sale. They then considered an offer of a mounted deer trophy from Larry Burestka, a former Princeton resident who took down a record-breaking (for the year 2005) buck with a bow and arrow. With no place to mount it in a town facility, Nina will follow up to see if DCR would mount it in the wildlife display in the Hitchcock Visitor Center building at Wachusett Mountain.
        Selectmen considered the bench repair/replace project at Dingman Park being proposed by Eagle Scout Sam Goodnow. They voted all in favor to approve the project conditional upon ownership or access to the Dingman Park parcel. Originally created as an open space parcel donated to the town when Wachusett House (senior housing) was constructed, selectmen would seek input from Wachusett House if the association has an invested interest. This will be followed up by the T.A.

6:25 PM  Shannon Sutton, principal of the Thomas Prince School, and Megan Weeks, WRSD Committee member for Princeton, came in for update report. Shannon had previously worked in Worcester School system as English teacher, literacy coach and assistant principal at various schools. She described a few changes she’s made at T.P. School such as eliminating unsupervised time before school starts. She is instituting half-hour, morning “coffee” times with parents and announced an ice cream social this Friday evening on school grounds and an upcoming harvest festival. She talked about the STEAM curriculum and a grant writer on staff seeking opportunities with area colleges. She noted that fixing the floor tiles was a top priority, as well as the outdated security system. She reported on after-school and enrichment programs. Megan said she would meet with selectmen regularly to keep them updated, perhaps alternating meetings with the other school committee member Bob Imber.
7 PM  Concerning Bagg Hall roof repair, selectmen heard a presentation by John (Jack) Skypeck of Northeast Roof Consultant's – along with Steve Mirick and Phil Mighdoll from the Facilities Planning Committee. Jack had submitted a roof evaluation report in August. He pointed out that the roof was constructed with Monson black slate from Maine, which is no longer mined but is sometimes available reclaimed. The repair needs up to 300 tiles and total cost estimate is $40,000 plus $22,500 for gutter repair, according his report. He recommends a 20 percent contingency because of “hidden conditions” as it’s impossible to capture all damage with visual inspection. The original construction from 1884 was “outstanding” and the Monson black slate was the best quality. The modern alternative would be North Country Black from Quebec. The group discussed evidence of water infiltration in the attic and water/ice damage in the unlined chimney. Jack recommended several slate roof contractors and will forward contact info to Nina. Selectmen discussed options with the bid process, consideration of this as “emergency repair,” and how to split up or bundle separate elements in crafting RFPs.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize the T.A. to enter into a contract to provide technical specifications (under $10,000). Jack offered to investigate availability of experienced contractors.

8:25 PM  Nina reported that the library book drop may have been hit by a vehicle (unknown) on Sunday and the town’s insurance has a $1,000 deductible. Replacement could be about $2,000. She also reported that a college student from Germany has requested an opportunity to volunteer as an intern in Town Hall from January to April 2016.
8;30 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to approve minutes from Aug. 24, 1 PM meeting; Aug. 24, 6 PM meeting; Sept. 1 PBMLP meeting and BOS meeting that followed. They then signed warrants for FY’16- 5. Selectmen had received a report on Wachusett Regional School District lease discussions – Nina said no action was needed at this time.

Executive Session
8:35 PM Selectmen then went into executive session. Stan M. made a motion: “I move to enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30, Section 21(3), to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel - Highway Superintendent-- and not to reconvene into open session” and Edith M. seconded the motion. Edith M. called for a vote and in roll call Edith voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”  Edith then announced that “the Board will now enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to contract negotiations since an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town.”

9:50 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn from Executive Session.

Respectfully submitted, Admin. Assistant Marie Auger

BOS Referenced Documents: Report by John (Jack) Skypeck of Northeast Roof Consultant's; letters requesting appointments (ADA Coordinator, SCM Elderbus Representative, & Election Officer). Letters requesting use of Mechanics Hall on 9/26 for Town Wide Yard Sale and letter from Larry Burestka outlining mounted deer trophy for donation to town.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department